Specimen ID: BatStateU-S1138

Scientific Name Halymenia durvillaei
Family Halymeniaceae
Genus Halymenia
Category Seaweed
Collection Depth 0
Geographic Coordinates 13.635814,121.051642
Collection Date Dec. 8, 2023
Collection Site
Collectors KL Pintor
RH Bandelaria
JM Mance
CJ Atajar
J Bermudez
KJ Serrano
KD Gomez
Date Cataloged April 1, 2024
Cataloger JS Elias
Type of Preparation Method DryPress
Prepared By KL Pintor
RH Bandelaria
JM Mance
CJ Atajar
J Bermudez
KJ Serrano
KD Gomez
No. of Lots 0
Comments Collection