Specimen ID: BatStateU-S45

Scientific Name Bornetella sphaerica
Family Bornetellaceae
Genus Bornetella
Category Seaweed
Collection Depth 0
Geographic Coordinates 13.526437,121.083914
Collection Date Feb. 22, 2019
Collection Site
Collectors JMH Arcega
AN Tabuga
JSA Binay
KJ De Austria
AJZ Egar
DEF Gamier
AL Persia
LMO Sanchez
EAV Sabban
DB Velasco
Date Cataloged Sept. 21, 2022
Cataloger JSA Binay
Type of Preparation Method DryPress
Prepared By JMH Arcega
AN Tabuga
JSA Binay
KJ De Austria
AJZ Egar
DEF Gamier
AL Persia
LMO Sanchez
EAV Sabban
DB Velasco
No. of Lots 0
Comments Survey of vulnerable, threatened, endangered, and economically important marine organisms in Verde Island, Batangas City